uDMX 1.2 released

Probably the smallest USB-DMX Interface in the worldThe uDMX is built around an inexpensive Atmel Atmega8 Microprocessor, using only very few external parts, thanks to the excellent firmware-only USB driver from obdev.at.We managed to cram it all into a Neutrik XLR Connector.This is the version 1.2 documentation.See the uDMX Homepage for the whole story and updates…


  • very small: as small as it can possibly get
  • very fast: uDMX transfers only the minimum DXM channels for your application. If you transmit channels 6-12 for example, uDMX will send channels 0-12 only, giving shorter packets = faster transmission.
  • very free: built using low cost components, design and software is open source

New in version 1.2

  • Bootloader support: update uDMX firmware over USB, no need for a programmer.
  • Two status leds (green and yellow).
  • There are two versions of the circuit in the download: A “big” one that you can possibly build on your own, as well as a very tiny one that fits into a standard female Neutrik XLR connector.

If you don’t want to build your own uDMX, you can purchase fully assembled units from us.

Todos, Limitations

  • We haven’t tested uDMX with low cost fixtures yet. Maybe the transmission speed is too high for fixtures that don’t follow the DMX standard precisely. We might need to add a low-speed mode.
  • Windows driver needs a windows programmer with a windows box
  • External object for PureData is planned…


udmx_1_2.tar.gz (315kB) includes the original Eagle-Light files for schematics and board layout, the firmware and bootloader, and a handy external for MAX/MSP (Mac only, for the moment. We’d love to get some help from someone with a Windows box out there…)


5 responses to “uDMX 1.2 released”

  1. Hello,

    I’m happy an Intel Max External exists here. I will build a patch in order your interface to be used with LightRegie120ub, the Universal Binary version of LR120x. I think I will purchase a uDMX soon.


  2. Julian Avatar

    This interface could be capable of snooping the bus too, by connecting pin 1 (RO) on the 75176 to pin 30 (RXD) on the ATMEGA8A and pin2/3 of the 75176 to another of the currently unused PD pins.

  3. Charlie Brown Avatar
    Charlie Brown

    I built the uDMX interface but I am not able to use it with DMX Control. There is no site which explains how to use it or configure it with the software. Could you please help me.


  4. Desmond Avatar

    Hi, I’m trying to use this device in my own software but I can’t find any documentation on how to control this device. Any leads on where to start?

  5. Michael Avatar

    Hi Desmond

    have a look at the source code here: https://code.google.com/p/udmx/
    the udmx commandline tool is a good start: https://code.google.com/p/udmx/source/browse/trunk/commandline/uDMX.c

    hope this helps

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