We’re happy to present our new Videobass at Experimenta 2011 – the India Experimental Film Festival in Bangalore from December 1st to 4th 2011 – will be there together with Marc Dusseiller from SGMK & hackteria-lab and The Indian Sonic Research Organisation.
Drop by if you happen to be in the area…
Experimenta 2011
Swiss Mechatronic Art Society
With the support of Pro Helvetia, Swiss Arts Council.
2nd December| Friday | 11am – 2pm | Jagaa Creative Common Ground
An Open Workshop on DIY Musical Instruments & Hacking Electronics
Conducted by Indian Sonic Research Organisation ISRO / Marc Duseiller / ANYMA; Supported by ProHelvetia Swiss Arts Council
The Indian Sonic Research Organisation, Bangalore alongwith artists ANYMA & Marc Duseiller from Switzerland will conduct a workshop on how to create handheld VJ sets (rioji ikeda for your pocket) by experimenting with mini-tubes and old video cameras, and how to build simple oscillators and amps that connect to speakers and to video screens.
Registration fee: Rs 500/- (This is for the materials which the participants can take home). Please email music.returntosender@gmail.com for registration at the earliest. Payments will need to be made directly at the Workshop venue.
3rd December | Saturday | 6:30 pm onwards | 7 High Street (7HS)
Live performance by (ISRO/ ANYMA /dusjagr); Supported by ProHelvetia Swiss Arts Council
The Indian Sonic Research Organisation, Bangalore will collaborate on a sound performance with swiss artists anyma and Marc Duseiller (dusjagr). The artists will perform live with electronic music toys and create visuals with the videobass invented by Michael Egger (member of anyma) who has also invented several open source visual music instruments. The award winning VIDEOBASS is a bass guitar that plays images instead of sounds, lets you choose a video clip on the strings with your left hand, and trigger it in rhythm with your right. The visual artists and musicians will work in an improvisational dialogue. This performance promises to be both musical and cinematographic –a layering of textures that forms abstract visual poems.