Gestes Ephémères @ FIM Basel, 29. september 2015


  • Gerald Zbinden – Guitar
  • Woytek Klakla – Painting
  • Michael Egger – Video

Gérald Zbinden plays the guitar

Woitek Klakla paints to the music on a specially constructed glass table.
A camera underneath the table records his ever evolving work.
Michael Egger adds structure and feedback by means of a 3D joystick controller.

And the circle closes as the musician inspires himself by the stream of images he receives..

Forum für improvisierte Musik und Tanz, Basel

29 september 2015


Céline Fellay (Lausanne) – Tanz
Erika Pirl (Vevey) – Tanz


Gerald Zbinden (Le Pàquier) – Gitarre
Woytek Klakla (Fribourg) – Malerei
Michael Egger (Fribourg) – Videomix


Tanz trifft Musik & Multimedia