Thank’s a lot to Mohammed, who, with great patience, filmed the whole process of building the latest Videobass. Many many hours of sanding have been edited out of this video. Check it out:
I was thinking about this one since doing this exhibition for the ethnographic museum in Zurich: Why not just rip out the colorwheel of a DLP projector to make it black and white? Should be easy and should work, no? It works, and I could stab myself 100times – why didn’t I have the courage […]
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by Willem Van Weeghel Dead simple yet utterly complex. Eight “clocks”, each of them with four hands of the same length.
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Here we go: For the pan/tilt head I welded together two L-shapes, and connected them with bicycle gear wires to a slightly modified Manfrotto fluid tripod head (501). The best of both worlds: fluid movement, direct control but 2 meters away… Sketchup-Model of the crane: crane.skp