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Updated 64bit max-externals (Max7)
Categories: MaxMSP, udmx

Screen Shot 2015-11-09 at 16.47.35Finally I managed to install the maxmsp sdk toolchain and get it to link against libusb again (it is always a real pain to find the right settings in xcode) so I could recompile some of my externals for Max/MSP:


the udmx project has recently moved to GitHub: https://github.com/mirdej/udmx you can check there for the source code. Here’s the new max external for download:


What’s new?

  • 64bit-support
  • Support for floats (0. – 1.)
  • Blackout message resets all 512 channels (this will also force the udmx to send full 512 channel messages, which can help with fixtures that have problems with shorter, non-standard DMX packages -> compatibility mode)
  • Connects automatically if a udmx device is present on patcher load
  • We changed the addressing from 0-based to the DMX convention where the first channel is number 1. This means you’ll probably have to change your patches ! You can add a last argument of “0” to enter legacy mode – but it’s probably better and faster to remove the external kludge you had to add to correct this very old headache-inducing stupid difference in addressing channels.



the multitouch-hack for maxmsp, now with 64bit support for Max7


home-2015-11-09 simply spits out the path to the current user’s home directory.

2 Comments to “Updated 64bit max-externals (Max7)”

  1. miyamonz says:


    I can’t use max object for UDMX.
    If it’s okay, tell me what’s the cause.

    Max 7.3.4
    macOS 10.13.3

    /usr/local/lib/libusb-0.1.4.dylib: mach-o, but wrong architecture

    ↓max console screenshot

  2. Michael says:

    I can confirm that apparently, on macOS High Sierra, libusb (a librarythat is needed by udmx) doesn’t seem to work in 32bit mode anymore. Thus, if you open Max in 32bit mode the udmx external fails to load. If you open Max in 64bit mode (Command-I on the Max.app in the Finder, deselect 32bit mode and reboot) everything works fine.

    I have not yet found a way to compile libusb as a 32/64bit universal binary.

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