I was thinking about this one since doing this exhibition for the ethnographic museum in Zurich: Why not just rip out the colorwheel of a DLP projector to make it black and white? Should be easy and should work, no? It works, and I could stab myself 100times – why didn’t I have the courage […]
I just stumbled over an interesting project on the Make blog: http://blog.makezine.com/archive/2011/07/circuitbee-sharing-electronic-schematics-on-your-blog.html From the article: “CircuitBee is like YouTube for your circuit schematics. You upload your Eagle or Kicad schematics, we crunch the numbers and create an online embeddable version of your schematic.” Sure I had to try this out. The site is still very […]
After some reverse engineering of the Multitouch Framework /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MultitouchSupport.framework I found that it’s completely possible to get the finger data not only from the internal trackpad of MacBooks, but also from the Magic Mouse and from the new Magic Trackpad. Here a preliminary proof of concept: http://anyma.ch/software/fingerpinger2010-08-10.zip I’ll clean up the code when I find […]
The first 2 modules seem to work quite well now. It helped to put 75Ohm resistors in parallel at the outputs of the MAX457 op-amp, to stop it from oscillating. Maybe we should also put a resistor in series as Max has seen on the datasheet? 😉 Anyway, the picture quality seems better that expected […]