Finally I managed to install the maxmsp sdk toolchain and get it to link against libusb again (it is always a real pain to find the right settings in xcode) so I could recompile some of my externals for Max/MSP: udmx the udmx project has recently moved to GitHub: you can check there for the source code. Here’s […]
Categories: udmx | 5 Comments
You can use the bootloader that is built into the uDMX to update its firmware to the latest version. Here’s a quick howto on MacOSX: 1. Install CrossPack CrossPack is a development environment for Atmel’s AVR® microcontrollers running on Apple’s Mac OS X, similar to WinAVR for Windows. It consists of the GNU compiler suite, […]
Categories: udmx | 3 Comments
A finished uDMX just before it goes into the XLR connector: uDMX source code and schematics are now hosted on GoogleCode I’ve just submitted the newest version of the uDMX to its brand new SVN repository on Including double sided really small PCB that fits into a Neutrik XLR connector new bootloader based on […]