Before I start building the first real-size video bass I wanted to test some design ideas i had as well as woodworking techniques with some new tools (a new bandsaw and a Fein Multimaster – really good tools!!), so i decided to go for a baby-sized version of the neck first.
On the last videobass the construction of the headstock was quite difficult, as the “mechanics” and cables all pass through a thin piece of wood.
I wanted to simplify the construction, but I’m not really convinced about the idea I had:
- Three pieces of plywood 300mm x 45mm x 21mm
- glued together .
- As usual, I print out a drawing of the cuts and glue it directly to the piece
- First I cut the cable channel with a router
- Cut from the top
- For the side cut I tape the three pieces back together
- Again a printed template glued to the piece
- Side Cut. As we’ll see it is helpful to keep all the pieces
- 6mm hole connects top and bottom cable channel
- The aluminium fingerboard
- glueing the fingerboard
- Rasping the neck into shape
- Filing and sanding….
- More sanding…
- The nut. Two pieces of wire will keep it in place on the fingerboard and make a good ground connection.
- Red oil applied
- The leftover pieces help at keeping a right angle
- One of the ideas I wanted to test…
- The small holes should render the headstock less fragile
- Tension is controlled on the saddle-side
- Two holes for keeping the nut in place
- A small bead crimped to the string holds it in place in the headstock
I think I’ll go back to the system as it was before. I don’t like the look of it…
But first, the thing will go to the freezer and the oven, for some material testing…